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Join in our exciting kids groups as we get to know Jesus

Every Sunday and during each week we have opportunities for kids aged 0-11 to meet with one another to find out more about Jesus and what a huge difference being Jesus’ friend can make in our lives.

We hope you’ll find a group that you’ll feel as though you can belong to.

To find out more please email Elizabeth

Sunday Groups

  • Beamers is our 0-2 group and meets in the Chancel Room
  • Sparklers is our 2-3 year old group and meets in the Meeting Room (9.15am only, combined with Beamers/Shiners at 11am).
  • Shiners is for Nursery and Reception and meets in the Playschool
  • Lasers is for years 1, 2  & 3 and meets in the Church Hall
  • Voltage is for years 4, 5 & 6 and meets in the Church Hall

Midweek Groups

  • Great and Small is a stay and play group that takes place on the first and third Wednesday of the month in term time, from 10-11.15am in the main church. 
  • Bump to Baby is a group for expectant parents and grown ups of those pre-walking age. We meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month in the Foyer during term time.
    • Session one: 9.45 – 11am
    • Session two: 11.30am – 12.45pm


Team Leader

For more info contact Tamlyn

Tamlyn Carshagen

Assistant Pastor