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Welcome to St Paul’s

At St Paul’s we welcome everyone of all backgrounds & stages of life. We are a church family seeking to follow Jesus and to serve our community, locally and further afield.

We would love to meet you on a Sunday or at one of our midweek groups, and if you are new or visiting us then do pick up a welcome pack at the welcome desk. The welcome packs are full of information about who we are and our magazine tells many stories of God at work in our lives. While you’re here on our website, why not sign up to receive our weekly emails of inspiration and encouragement, or find out all about how you can join a group or serve on a team, meet new people and find a home here.

Chris Fox | Lead Pastor
If you are new or nearly new to St Paul’s, we would love you to join us at our next Welcome Meal. This will be a chance to hear about the vision & values of the church, meet some staff and others new to St Paul’s over a meal.
Sign up below if you’re interested in joining us for our next Welcome Meal.
Meet the Staff Team

Enjoy a meal with us

Monday 12 May | 7.30–9.30pm | St. Paul’s Foyer

This welcome meal is for those who might either be new to the church or thinking about joining, the vision and values of St Paul’s.

This is a great opportunity to meet new people, get to know the staff team and for us also to get to know you. The evening is free of charge.

Sign up to join us

Wonder zone holiday club

15–16 April | 10am–3pm | St. Paul’s

We are really excited to gather together for holiday club fun and games and to learn more about Jesus!  This year St Paul’s is hosting holiday club in partnership with St Mellitus and Bless Community Church kids’ teams. We have a science-based theme with exciting activities, experiments, fun and games, up-front teaching and worship, and small group time to go deeper in exploring the Bible.

Sign up here!