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One of our core values as a church community is to be outward looking. We take Jesus’ command to love our neighbour very seriously and practically.

Below are all the ways we get involved in our local community, and how you can get in touch or get involved too.

The Ealing Foodbank was set up in 2013 when over 40 local churches expressed a desire to help local people who are in financial difficulties with emergency food supplies.

They are part of the Trussell Trust network of foodbanks, and serve referred residents of Ealing Borough from Acton to Southall, and Northolt to South Ealing.  They have helped people from every ward in the borough!

Volunteering with the Foodbank comes in a range of activities: client facing in client centres, sorting and packing in the warehouse, driving and moving food from supermarket collection points or to the client centre, admin in the office.  They ask for around 3 hrs per session and at least 2 sessions per month, and for long-term volunteers.

We are not able to take volunteers under the age of 18 yrs.

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Ealing Community School for English (ECSE) provides affordable English language lessons to adults in the Ealing area and beyond. 

Their classes aim to help learners of English integrate into their local community and achieve their personal and career aspirations.

They are an entirely volunteer-run and led school, with a team of over 20 volunteer teachers, teaching assistants and administrators, supporting a community of over 200 students from over 50 nationalities.

ECSE offers English language lessons to adults for whom English is not their first language. Our students come from varied backgrounds. They include refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants.

There are 8 levels of English language proficiency that we cover, ranging many who have no English language knowledge at all through to those with advanced levels.

Lessons take place on a Monday and Wednesday evening, between 6.45pm and 8.45pm at Elthorne Park High School in Hanwell.

ECSE are always looking for new volunteer teachers to support them. Don’t worry if you haven’t got experience – all new teaching volunteers go on their bespoke teacher training programme.

If you’re an experienced teacher, there’s plenty of room for you to design creative and dynamic lesson plans and support the development of their curriculum.

If you’re interested in volunteering, email: with a little bit of information about yourself and any previous teaching experience you that you may have. You’re welcome to attach your CV if you wish, but it’s not necessary.

The ECSE students really appreciate our teachers and school. Every week they come to us with stories of how their life has been enriched by improving their English. This might be as simple as them being able to ask for something in a shop, or being able to communicating with their child’s teacher at parents evening.

They look for volunteers who can commit to one evening a week (ideally for the whole academic year).

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With the ever rising cost of living we are aware that the cost of hygiene and cleaning products takes a huge amount out of a weekly budget. We believe that everyone has the right to be clean and to have clean homes to live in.
We would like to help bridge that gap.
Restoring Hope is our new outreach ministry helping those in need within the Borough of Ealing.
It has two purposes;
Bags of Hope:
Partnering with The Food Bank and The Salvation Army Baby Bank providing toiletries and cleaning products to those on low income and those referred to us eg through social services.
Hope for homes:
Collecting and delivering donated household items enabling those that have to give to those in need.
We will also be doing projects throughout the year helping people in their homes with eg painting decorating, decluttering/ cleaning and gardening again for those that have been referred to us through various organisations.
How can you be involved?
If you would like to donate to the Bags of Hope we have a drop off station in the church foyer.
You can also be involved with delivering the bags either directly to families or to the Food Bank and Baby Bank for their own distribution.
You can also be part of a team doing various projects in homes that need a little TLC.
For more information please contact Jo Smith or call 07766 072 150
Contact Jo Smith

St Paul’s Ealing, take trained teams out to befriend sex workers ‘on’ and ‘off street’. It is focused on sharing the love and good news of Jesus with sex workers. ‘On street’ visits take place late evening on the first Friday of every month. It might be possible to be involved in one of a few teams: 1) visiting teams; 2) support team that liaises with the Metropolitan police and 3) intercessory team who meet to pray whilst all visits take place. The opportunity to demonstrate and share the love of Jesus.

The expectation is that the volunteers commit to being a part of the team for a minimum of 12 months in order to build continuity and to develop relationships.

Contact Jo Smith

Ealing Soup Kitchen is a charity who seek to help anyone who needs hot, nutritious food & a helping hand.

They’ve been running a weekend Soup Kitchen since 1973 at St John’s Ealing (a part of our family of churches) for the homeless & vulnerable.

They also run a Monday service at the Salvation Army in Ealing. Before Covid they had Friday drop-ins where we provide clothes, food, a hairdresser, showers, practical help and games. They work with other charities and can organise access to medical and dentistry services.

What is the Ealing Soup Kitchen?

Monday Night Drop In – A hot meal, music & more. 6-8pm. Salvation Army Hall, 6 Leeland Road, W13 9HH

Friday – The Hub. (Not currently open) Refreshments, showers, advocacy & hairdresser. 1pm – 3.30PM. The Crypt, St Johns W13 9LA

Saturday & Sunday – Ealing Soup Kitchen – a hot meal and fellowship. 3.30 – 5pm. St John’s Church Room, St John’s W13 9LA

The best thing about volunteering with the Soup Kitchen is the opportunity to demonstrate and share the love of Jesus with people. The expectation is that volunteers commit to attending their duties that they have committed to, and behave in a way that serves and loves all those involved.

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Come along to a warm and welcoming space every Tuesday afternoon of term time 2-4.30pm at St Paul’s, where you are seen and heard, where all are valued, and no one’s labelled. A space where anyone can suggest an activity, share a hobby, learn a new skill, make connections and be signposted to any help they need. Sadly we cannot offer any provision for children. A space where it is understood that we are all on a sliding scale of mental wellbeing. A space for people to connect whether they have faith or not and everyone is welcome to belong.  We will have a variety of crafts, puzzles and board games as well as a quiet space where people can reflect and if they’d like encounter God’s love.

Contact Jo Smith

The Ealing CAP job club is a friendly place for jobseekers to gain the practical tools, skills and confidence they need to step back into employment.

Our job club is run in partnership with CAP (Christians Against Poverty). CAP works with churches across the UK and beyond to bring hope and support to people living in poverty. See the CAP website for more information:

Each term the Job Club run a 10 week Steps to Employment course which includes sessions on goal setting, job search, CV writing and interview skills. As well as the course, they offer 1:1 coaching and help with job searching and applications. Lunch and refreshments are provided, and members can use our laptops to work on their CVs and job search.

The Job Club will meet on Tuesdays during term time from 10.15am to 1.30pm at St Paul’s Ealing

The club is free and open to anyone who is seeking employment. So if you would like support getting into work, then please do get in touch.

They would love to hear from you if you’re interested in joining the team either on a weekly basis, or to occasionally provide advice about applying for jobs in your field of work. And if you are upgrading a fully functional laptop, please consider donating it to the club for the use of members in their job searching and applications. Please also let them know if you’d like to receive their termly prayer email.

The job club is a lovely community of people from all faiths, cultures and backgrounds. It is a privilege to share their journey: hearing about their challenges, seeing them grow in confidence, and celebrating their successes.

Volunteers can help by providing advice about job seeking, support with computers, hospitality, or just by being available for a friendly chat. We also offer prayer and the opportunity to discuss faith, for those who are interested.

St Paul’s Community Playschool provides a safe, caring environment where children aged 2-5 learn through play and make their first friends. They have been a proud part of the Northfields community since 1992, linked to St Paul’s Ealing C of E church. They provide a nurturing environment to stimulate children’s natural curiosity and help them to become engaged, independent learners.

The Playschool feels so privileged to be a part of your lives and your children’s first steps in education. If you are interested in learning more, drop them a note on the contact us page and they  can arrange a visit.

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The Prison team work with the Anglican Chaplain at Wormwood Scrubs Prison to provide support and encouragement for men who are in prison there.

They are involved in a variety of activities including:

– Running the Sycamore Tree Victim Awareness Course three times a year.  It is a christian based, but not faith promoting, course.

– Leading Sunday services in the prison six times a year

– Helping to run weekly bible studies in the prison

– Praying for the staff and men in the prison at a monthly prayer meeting

– Running Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree scheme to enable men in the prison to have a Christmas present sent to their children on their behalf

Courses and bible studies take place in the prison chapel on weekday daytimes.  Sunday services are held in the prison chapel on Sunday mornings.  Prayer meetings are held outside the prison on a Monday evening once a month.  Most of the work for the Angel Tree present scheme takes place outside the prison at a time of the volunteer’s choosing. To be involved with any activity inside the prison, a volunteer needs to obtain security clearance.  But it is possible for anyone to be involved with Angel Tree and praying for the prison.

Anyone wanting to work inside the prison has to submit to a full security vetting process.  Once cleared it is essential that prison rules are adhered to when visiting. When inside, the most important thing is to express the love of God in what we say and how we act.

Contact Alan Browne | Prisons Pastor

Contact Alan Browne

Transforming Lives for Good, is a Christian charity that works with local churches to help bring hope and a future for struggling children.  From school exclusion, to poverty and holiday hunger, there are children across the UK facing some of the toughest starts in life.  TLG believe change is possible and they have an unchanging resolve to transform lives for good.  They provide support to children and young people and their families in three main ways: education centres, provision of lunches in school holidays, and early intervention.

The main way that St Paul’s is involved is in providing coaches for children in a local primary school, where volunteers offer an hour a week to support one child for a whole year. Training is provided by TLG as are all the materials necessary in order to facilitate the coaching sessions.

The experience of those who are involved in this ministry is that it is hugely rewarding and a lot of fun too!
If you’re interested in becoming a coach or finding out more, please contact Tamlyn Carshagen via and she will be in touch with you.
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St Paul’s is a great community where refugees can find family. We are really well placed to enable those who have recently arrived in the UK to meet others in Ealing, help them to learn English and to settle in a new place.  We are part of the ‘Welcome Churches’ Network which connects local churches to refugee families who have been housed in Ealing, either temporarily in hotels or more permanently in flats or houses. We are able to help via a number of existing ‘Love Your Neighbour’ ministries including Besom, CAP Job Club, The Language School and others.

Here are two ways that we can get involved in welcoming refugees who have arrived in Ealing: 1) Offering to meet and befriend those who have recently arrived here, including showing people around Ealing and the local area.  2) Donating brand new items of furniture or equipment, especially for mothers and children (there is a specific list of items that are needed which you can get from Jo Smith). Collections & deliveries will be via the Besom team.

If you would like to get involved in any way, please contact our Social Action Co-Ordinator, Jo Smith –

Contact Jo Smith

At St Paul’s Ealing, our desire is to see every individual grow to reach their full God-given potential. In many cases, we carry wounds, burdens and inherited beliefs that can sometimes prevent this from happening. The Wholeness Centre aims to provide people with an opportunity to address anything that is getting in the way of their personal or spiritual growth. The following is an outline of the three different options which may be of help to those needing support.

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The Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter provides emergency dormitory style accommodation for up to 14 guests from those who are sleeping on the streets, are at immediate risk of rough sleeping locally and the ‘hidden homeless’. Shelters are open during the winter months (from late November to the end of March), at St Paul’s, we usually offer the Night Shelter during December or January.

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