Hall Hire Terms and Conditions
Standard Conditions of Hire
The PCC: the Parochial Church Council of St Paul’s Ealing (“the Church”)
The Hirer: the person or persons or organisation specified on the front page of this Agreement
The Building: the whole of the Church, the Main Church Hall, the Playschool Hall and their respective curtilages
The Premises: the area of the Building the subject of this Hire Agreement
The Common Parts: the access ways, the entrance hall and the circulation areas leading to the Premises, the toilets, and/or the kitchen and/or the meeting room if specifically agreed with the Hirer.
- The Hirer shall indemnify the PCC, its officers and employees in respect of the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the Building or its contents during or as a result of the hire (including any loss of income by the PCC arising from the damage) and in respect of any liability to third parties or otherwise arising out of the use of the Building or any part or parts thereof pursuant to the hire.
- The PCC accepts no liability for accidents, injuries, damage and/or loss of personal property as a consequence of the Hirer using the Building or any part or parts thereof.
- In the event of the Building or any part or parts thereof being rendered unfit for use by the Hirer, the PCC shall be under no liability for any resulting loss or damage whatsoever.
- The Hirer shall pay the hire charges prior to confirmation of a booking. If any cheque for any payment is dishonoured, after confirmation of booking, the booking will be automatically and without notice cancelled.
- If the Hirer wishes to cancel the booking, the Hirer must give notice to the Church Office office@stpaulsealing.com, as soon as possible. If more than one month’s notice is given the PCC will refund the whole of the hire charges. If notice is given less than one month but more than two weeks before the Event, the PCC will refund 50% of the hire fees. If less than two weeks notice is given, the Hirer will not be entitled to any refund of hire fees.
- The PCC reserves the right to cancel the booking if exceptional unforeseen circumstances arise. In the event of the PCC cancelling the booking, all hire fees paid by the Hirer will be refunded.
- The Hirer shall pay a cleaning and/or indemnity deposit of £100.00 when they collect the keys to the Premises. The cleaning and/or indemnity deposit will be refunded to the Hirer when the keys are returned subject to deductions for any damage caused by the Hirer and for the cost of any required cleaning. The PCC reserves the right to retain all or any part of the deposit, and to demand further payment from the Hirer, to cover any losses and expenses incurred by the PCC as a result of damage caused by the Hirer.
- The Hirer shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining any local authority or other licences necessary in connection with the hire.
- The Hirer shall be responsible for the observance of all regulations affecting the Building or any part or parts thereof imposed by the Licensing Justices, the Fire Authority, the Local Authority or otherwise.
- Alcohol cannot be sold in the Building or any part or parts thereof. The Hirer is not permitted to apply for occasional licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor on the Premises.
- The Hirer shall not sub-let or allow any other person(s) to use the Premises nor shall they use the Premises or the Common Areas for any unlawful purposes or in any unlawful way or do or permit anything or permit anything or bring or permit to be brought into or upon the Premises or the Common Parts anything which may endanger the Building or any part or parts thereof, its users, or any insurance policies relating thereto.
- For events involving children, young people and vulnerable adults, the Hirer confirms that they are familiar with the Home Office Code of Practice ‘Safe from Harm’, and will adhere to the London Diocesan Safeguarding Guidelines (www.london.anglican.org/support/safeguarding) or have own Safeguarding guidelines in place. The Hirer understands these policies and procedures and undertakes to follow their recommendations in relation to any work with children, young people and vulnerable adults. Children are not allowed in the kitchen at any time.
- The Hirer shall, during the period of hire, be responsible for the supervision and security of the Premises and the Common Parts, protection of the fabric and contents from damage, and the behaviour of all persons using the Premises and/or the Common Parts or having access to the Building or any part or parts thereof, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements (if any) so as to avoid obstruction of the public highway.
- The Hirer shall, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations and shall fully indemnify the PCC in respect of any liability to third parties arising out of any breach of such legislation and/or regulations.
General Use
- The Hirer shall, if selling goods on the Premises, comply with all relevant fair-trading laws and any local code of practice issued in connection with such sales.
- The Hirer acknowledges that no tenancy is intended to be created, between the PCC and the Hirer, and no relationship of landlord and tenant exists between them.
- Where the Hirer is provided with keys to the Premises, these keys must be returned to the Church Office within seven days of the termination of the Agreement. The keys shall not be copied nor given or lent to any third party.
- The Hirer shall ensure that the Rules governing the use of the Building and any part or parts thereof are complied with.
- The right is reserved for a representative of the PCC to enter any part of the Premises and/or the Common Parts at any time.
Rules Governing the Use of the Building (or Any Part Thereof)
St Paul’s is a CHRISTIAN CHURCH and activities inconsistent with the Church’s ethos statement are not allowed in the Building or any part or parts thereof. No acts of worship, other than Christian worship, are permitted in the Building or any part or parts thereof.
BOOKING TIMES must be adhered to and must include setting up and clearing up time. Prior permission for any extension must be obtained in writing and may be withheld at the PCC’s absolute discretion. The Hirer books for the use of the Premises and/or the Common Parts. The Hirer is responsible for the preservation of good order at all times.
THE PCC reserves the right to refuse bookings without the need to give reasons. The PCC’s decision in this matter is final and not open to negotiation.
ALL ADVERTISING material displayed anywhere in the Building must be submitted to the Church’s Director of Operations for approval. All such material must clearly display the name of the person or organisation responsible for the event.
EVENING USE. The Premises forming the subject of this Agreement must be vacated by 8:00 pm Monday-Saturday and by 6.00 pm on Sundays. No extensions beyond this time can be accepted.
NOISE/DISTURBANCE. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring the avoidance of all unnecessary noise or disturbance likely to cause annoyance to occupants of surrounding properties during the period of hire and on departure.
Care of the Building
CARE OF THE BUILDING. The Hirer is expected to take reasonable care of the Premises and/or the Common Parts, its fittings, equipment and furniture, and in particular is not permitted to put nails, sellotape, blutack or other fixings into the walls, floor or ceiling.
KITCHEN USE. The Hirer, if using the kitchen, is expected to have familiarised themselves with the kitchen equipment contained therein and, if in any doubt whatsoever as to its use, will seek prior instruction from the Church’s Director of Operations.
DAMAGE. The Hirer shall be liable to pay for all damage caused by accident or improper use either to the fabric or to any equipment. Any breakages within the Building or any part or parts thereof must be reported to the Church’s Director of Operations and will be charged and invoiced to the Hirer. Fire appliances must only be used in genuine cases of emergency.
THE HIRER shall not interfere in any way with the electrical equipment of the Premises and/or the Common Parts. No equipment may be switched on or plugged in without prior written consent. Any equipment brought to the Premises and/or the Common Parts for use shall be effectively earthed and fitted with a 3-pin plug fused at not more than 13 amps.
LOCKING UP. When the Hirer collects the keys from the church office, they will be issued with instructions for locking the Premises. These instructions shall be followed at the end of each period of the hire. All fire doors and windows must be closed, all doors locked and all lights, that can be, must be switched off. The Hirer may be held responsible for any additional energy costs, theft or damage to the Premises and/or the Common Parts, which may result from a failure to follow these instructions.
SMOKING or VAPING is not allowed in any part of the Building, including all toilets.
CLEANING UP. The Hirer is responsible for leaving the Premises including the toilets in a clean and tidy state (and including restoring any temporarily moved items to their original place) and for the removal of all rubbish from the Premises at the end of their hire. If the kitchen is used, the Hirer is responsible for leaving the same in a clean and tidy state with all equipment, crockery and cutlery, etc used washed up, dried and neatly put away and with ensuring that the cooker has been turned off.
NO ACCESS will be permitted to any part of the Building other than the Premises and/or the Common Parts save in the case of emergency.
PARKING. There is no on-site parking. There are parking restrictions on the roads around the Building between the hours of 9-10 am and 3-4 pm Mondays to Saturdays.
ANIMALS. Only guide dogs are permitted inside the Building or any part or parts thereof.
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. The Hirer should familiarise themselves with the Fire Evacuation Procedures, the Fire Regulations, the fire appliances and the fire exits. The Fire Brigade should be called out to any outbreak of fire and the incident reported to the Church’s Director of Operations at the earliest opportunity.
FIRE EXITS must not be obstructed at any time.
SMOKE DETECTORS. There are smoke detectors throughout the Building and under no circumstances should any kind of smoke be used as this will set off the fire alarms.
FIRE ALARMS. As soon as the alarm sounds the Hirer is responsible for ensuring that everyone leaves the Premises by the nearest exit and assembles at the nearest Assembly Point, which is outside the Church opposite the hall.
FIRST AID. A first aid box is located in the kitchen of the Premises. The Hirer is responsible for familiarising themselves with its location.
ACCIDENTS. Any incident involving personal injury must be recorded in the Accident Book (located with the First Aid box). Serious injuries should be reported to the Church’s Director of Operations at the earliest opportunity.
HIGHLY FLAMMABLE substances are not permitted in the Building or any part thereof.
TELEPHONES. There are no public telephones in the Building. The Hirer must ensure that they have access to a mobile telephone in case of emergencies.