Counselling & Therapy
Following an initial appointment with one of our counsellors, we offer up to 6 sessions of confidential and professional counselling or therapy for a range of personal difficulties and challenges. We accept applications for children, young people and adults and can see people individually, as couples or as families. Our counsellors, all of whom have a Christian faith, welcome clients from all different cultures, faiths and backgrounds. Bookings are normally made by the person requesting counselling or therapy.
We consider it important that clients value the time that our trained counsellors are freely offering and there is therefore a minimum charge of £15-30 per session, with a reduced fee of £10 for students and those on minimal incomes. In extreme cases of hardship, please speak to the centre administrator.
Our counsellors are all fully qualified and either accredited or working towards accreditation, and comply with all regulations stipulated by their professional counselling body. Booking is necessary for this service, so please contact the Centre Administrator.
Spiritual Direction
This is meeting with a companion who will come alongside you on your spiritual journey. The companion will listen, explore and reflect with you on the presence of God in your life even if it seems nothing may be happening, Spiritual Direction is suitable for those who…
• are in a season of transition, uncertainty or discernment
• are seeking a safe place to explore their spirituality
• want to explore their experience of God in their daily life
• desire growth in their spiritual or personal journey.
Sessions usually last one hour and take place every 4-6 weeks. The number of sessions is not limited. Our spiritual director has completed a 3 year training with the London Centre for Spiritual Direction. Donations to the Wholeness centre are invited.
Healing Prayer
A place to come for prayer for healing in the context of worship. You might be asking for healing of body, mind or spirit and you may want to receive a longer time of prayer ministry than is possible in a church service. Healing prayer will take place on third Mondays 8-9pm and is available to anyone. There will be an hour of worship, ministry in the power of the Spirit and creative prayer.
Below are some examples of reasons people come for prayer.
• for physical healing, emotional healing or spiritual healing
• for breakthrough in a particular situation, e.g. relationship breakdown, job situation, financial provision, area of addiction or habitual struggle etc.
There is no charge for healing prayer.
Book Today
If you are interested in booking a session please contact our Wholeness Centre Administrator, or call the office 020 8579 9444.